
Moving beyond just web traffic data, we make data insightful to drive important decisions for your business.

  • How effective is your marketing campaign?
  • Are you converting more leads than your last effort?
  • Are you able to monetize your social media efforts, and account the conversion?
  • Which is the most effective channel for your conversion, SEO, paid search, social, or traffic from other sites?

Web Analytics

Kaaryaa specializes in building a measurement strategy and implementing web analytics tools on client web, mobile and other application. We have certified trained consultants for implementing web analytics tools such as Adobe Omniture, IBM Coremetrics, Google Analytics, Web Trends, and much more. We are experts in building custom measurement solutions to meet client needs. We take you beyond web analytics. Your business may not be limited to the online world, and you data is certainly not limited to the web analytics software. We work with you to connect your online and offline data to provide a holistic view of how the web influences your business.

Multichannel attribution

It takes more than a single touch point to influence most of your conversions. Consumers today are shopping with confidence from peer reviews on social media, search, and landing on your product page by clicking the google adwords campaign ads, and they are doing all of these things before they make the purchase. Attributing conversion to all the channels that influenced the purchase is a challenging the task. We can help you demystify the multichannel attribution by adapting the proprietary learn and adaption model. This model works on first collecting the data and modeling the attribution based on real time scenarios placed by the user. Once we start learning which model best fits the business scenario we continue to evolve the multichannel attribution process by ensuring we are investing accurately in the most effective channels.