What Drives Us?

Science behind the formation of Kaaryaa Labs...

What motivates us is an old age question. The typical common answers will be money, power and recognition but what drives us cannot be summed up in these flowery words. You think that we are newcomers but the surprising truth about us is that we are a group of people with technical fluency who are inspired by user centric design.

Kaaryaa Labs since its inception in August 2012 has been focused in developing solutions for various industries across the globe. We believe that by diving into the core problem and finding a solution using design and technology is a deadly combination to help organizations. We love to make bold moves and we think beyond the normal course of action to help organizations achieve their goals and make people’s life easier. We defy the textbook taught methodologies and industry jargons, and instead focuses on what’s truly important to make you successful.

“If everything that was written in textbook could solve all our problems, then you wouldn’t be working today trying to solve a problem that already has a solution”

Our software and applications are humanized. We believe that we need to think for the user and not let the user think about the application. Making the design so conducive for the user that it should make them feel blissful, is what drives us. We know that a lot is at stake for you and we want to make your decision-making easy. Our motivations are unbelievably interesting. The technology is at times freaky. We want to make your work easy by empowering you with the technology that is easy to use and is user-friendly.